Monday, February 15, 2010

St George he was for England...

My regular reader will not be surprised to see me expressing my delight that the people of Darwen, a small market town in Lancashire (for the geographers and town planners amongst you, a classic example of ribbon-development) have decided to hold a week-long celebration to mark St George’s Day on and around 23rd April this year.

Here’s hoping that other towns and cities decide to do likewise and follow the example set by my fellow Lancastrians.


Outed said...

Aye. Good news from Darwen (Best part of Blackburn). Should be every town and village in the land. In the uncouth argot of our Continental Cousins we need to "use it or lose it."

This Royal Throne of Kings said...

Indeed it should; and as you point out, there are some important things we can (re) learn from The Land of the Free.